Munik Bumbu Ketoprak 200g


Munik Bumbu Ketoprak 200gr
Ketoprak merupakan makanan khas Indonesia yang terdiri dari lontong, tauge, bihun, tahu goreng yang disiram dengan saus ketoprak berbahan dasar kacang dan gula merah.

Komposisi Bumbu:
Kacang Tanah 74,55%, Gula Merah 22,2%, Garam, Kalium Sorbat

Cara Membuat:
1. Haluskan bawang putih, Munik Bumbu Ketoprak dan air mendidih. Masukan cabai bila ingin rasa pedas.
2. Susun bihun, tauge, tahu, dan lontong diatas piring saji.
3. Tuangkan bumbu ketoprak ke atas piring saji. Tambahkan kecap manis, bawang goreng dan krupuk sesuai selera.
4. Siap disajikan.


In stock

Additional information

Weight 200 g
Country of Origin




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We aim to dispatch your order within 48hrs, if they are not in stock it might take up to 2 weeks to receive your order, because we need to order from the supplier, when we received them we will despatch it on the day.

If the goods are not available we will send you an email to check if you want a refund or replace with other products.

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