Bumbu Masak Munik Cooking Paste 125g – 180g


Authentic Indonesian Recipe

Additional information

Weight 200 g
Dimensions 14 × 11 × 2 cm

Bumbu Satay Padang, Bumbu Tom Yam, Bumbu Ayam Woku, Bumbu Semur, Bumbu Nasi Kuning, Bumbu Sayur Asam, Bumbu Soto Betawi, Bumbu Nasi Goreng, Bumbu Laksa, Bumbu Ayam Kecap, Bumbu Opor Ayam, Bumbu Soto Mie, Bumbu Soto Ayam, Bumbu Nasi Uduk, Bumbu Sambal Goreng, Bumbu Gulai Ayam, Bumbu Empal, Bumbu Rawon, Bumbu Sup Buntut, Bumbu Cakar Ayam, Bumbu Ayam Panggang, Bumbu Kepiting, Bumbu Cumi Garing, Bumbu Ayam Goreng, Bumbu Gulai Kepala Ikan, Bumbu Rendang, Bumbu Balado Ayam, Bumbu Teri Kacang, Bumbu Kuah Bakso, Bumbu Sambal Udang, Bumbu Sambal Petai, Bumbu Pesmol Ikan, Bumbu Kari Kambing

Country of Origin



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